Monday, February 7, 2011

The Americans Textbook Diagrams

full sun

NASA images showed full sun for the first time
captured by two probes Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), the U.S. agency sent into space in 2006.

NASA today unveiled for the first time images of the solar surface and its atmosphere, which give a more complete star around which Earth rotates.

The work was taken up by the comments made by the two probes Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), that NASA sent in 2006. (Video 1: three-dimensional image of the Sun)
Both the task space satellites are placed in front of the sun at 180 degrees apart from one another, allowing carefully photographing the entire stellar surface. (See video 2: explanation of the work of the probes).
The ability to see the faces of the sun allows close monitoring of the star and greatly improves the prediction of its activity. This will be essential for weather forecasting and alert about eruptions that can affect human activity on Earth.

More information HERE


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