Sunday, July 25, 2010

Customise Football Visors

JDM Programmer 16F628 and 16F84 Micro

this is the second developer that I've made to program the 16F628, but also serves the 16F84.
The original I got it from this web . It is in English, but I think that is a big problem if you know a bit components. I the only one I have modified to have a more led that indicates when programming. You can download the schedule here .
This would be the modified circuit: and this is the list of components I used:
  • R1 10k R2 15k

  • 3k3 R3 10k R4

  • 5.1v Zener Z1 Q1
  • 547 BC
  • C1 100 uF 16v
  • red LED D1
  • green LED D2
  • J1 9F DB
  • J2 DIL Socket 18
Well as you can see are few easy to find in any store that sells electronic components .

And this is what I have come to me:
This is the top view. This is the part of the tracks.
In the latter you can see how small it is.
I hope you like this practical. I've done for the laptop , the other I have is quite large and to use had to be wired, this program is more practical and more comfortable use.

NOTE: the pictures may not fence components in the same position, check the datasheet first.

NOTE 2: This link you have the settings I use for the programmer. By



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