Thursday, July 29, 2010

Watch Digital Playgounds Online

Freedom, divine treasure. Silliest

I'm not bull. I can not deny the aesthetic of bullfighting but, of course, I would not be on the skin of the bugs. Neither smoke nor have I ever done, but I'm not a psychopath like anti-snuff the "made in USA." I do not like the "Castells" and getting shot in the leg if I happen to try it someday, but I do not have to be banned.

The law against bullfighting in Catalonia, as much as they want to disguise some, those who throw stones and hide their hand, no is just another course uncheck against Spain, as if all the "English State" was, overall, taurine (as we see the tourists). He has no lectura.Porque if not how is it that the parties "correbous" will not be affected? Ah, the bull is the most of it, let it expects the holiday as a child's Christmas ...

The height of the case, as often happens, is the hypocrisy of the standard. For, does anyone know of a child who wants to be a referee of volleyball, deputy inspector of work or anxeneta? No. They are the parents who, especially in the latter case, coerce children, which is but a kind of psychological torture. The children are left in danger (remember the girl in the colla de Mataró? I think it is dead) to the delight of those who like the show, but damn grace that we can make that look a little further. The Smack from up to 9 m of which fall anxenetas "not is turkey mucus, and if they think having to work out what speed are up to (the physics of 2 º BUP): 13m / s, or what is the same, about 50 km / h. No talk of sick leave for back pain or similar, curiously appear on Monday after a day castellera, or complaints about failures in the courts, by fighting between rival Collas animators (and I speak from knowledge of these two circumstances.)

As for cruelty to animals ... does anyone not know by now how they live and die all they eat every day? Fighting bulls suffer greatly in the square, but the first and last time that happens. Laying hens (which sleeps two hours a day, without spout, unable to move), calves (cows authentic frozen meat to be tender, etc.). suffer always, we are hoping the time comes. How many of the 180,000 watching the numbers of hen eggs they eat?, To cite one example. Look at any page, the secret of these numbers and I preocuparéis something that affects much more than a few bulls.

There is also the amount in compensation will leave the public purse (why not pay the 180,000 who have signed the petition to Parliament, which are identified with DNI?) Is let to enter businesses near squares, tourism, catering and transport other tweaks that will not return.

Go back to the tics of dictatorships, such that the usual whiners who say "they were in prison in Franco" and actually spent a night in jail for throwing four drunken fliers or go to college, would have us pass to others.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Does A Rainbow Puffle Look Like

Than Abundio

How nice it is to improvise, especially when he does a musician who knows what he has in hand and is able to convey emotions to whom listens. The ugly is to improvise being a politician, half the world is watching (the one TV and likes the opening ceremonies) and show your intellectual standards. An example: Montilla, yesterday at the opening of the European Athletics Championships, which had only to say that the "shall be opened this swamp ..." wanted to improvise and came out something like ". .. opened the twentieth championships. .." As the astute reader can imagine, they put "20 º championships " on the paper, and he did not occur to him that perhaps he meant twentieth ... not only speaks ill in Catalan.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Customise Football Visors

JDM Programmer 16F628 and 16F84 Micro

this is the second developer that I've made to program the 16F628, but also serves the 16F84.
The original I got it from this web . It is in English, but I think that is a big problem if you know a bit components. I the only one I have modified to have a more led that indicates when programming. You can download the schedule here .
This would be the modified circuit: and this is the list of components I used:
  • R1 10k R2 15k

  • 3k3 R3 10k R4

  • 5.1v Zener Z1 Q1
  • 547 BC
  • C1 100 uF 16v
  • red LED D1
  • green LED D2
  • J1 9F DB
  • J2 DIL Socket 18
Well as you can see are few easy to find in any store that sells electronic components .

And this is what I have come to me:
This is the top view. This is the part of the tracks.
In the latter you can see how small it is.
I hope you like this practical. I've done for the laptop , the other I have is quite large and to use had to be wired, this program is more practical and more comfortable use.

NOTE: the pictures may not fence components in the same position, check the datasheet first.

NOTE 2: This link you have the settings I use for the programmer. By


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tiffany Granath Tatoo

The Mikado RENFE Concrete Music

The latest series of large steam locomotives was the configuration RENFE 141. After the war of 1936-39 it became necessary to plan reconstruction of the English Railways, very affected by the war, with many companies and most varied fleet of locomotives, due in part to differences in paths and partly to the special hobbies operations managers. The new locomotive requirements for the Department established the material and pull the newborn RENFE, commissioned the project to the best engineering time, the Design Department's Land and Marine Engineer. Finally, because of inability to fulfill the terms defined in the specification, tendering the North British Locomotive Co. got Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland, who delivered 25 locomotives and materials for 100 more, who built the English companies. Subsequently, domestic materials another 117 were built from 1953 to 1960. Originally designed to burn coal, were transformed almost all of them to operate with fuel.

Regardless of particularly good for any of its tasks, made all the network services, from lead as the Lusitania Express Express trains potaseros wheel drive or bus in three or four cars on secondary roads.

The last time I traveled in one of them was in December 1973 between Calatayud and Soria. On that occasion came from the tank to take the bus Soria to Burgos and Cidad-fault Dosantos by Alco 2100 service holder, which in turn in January 1974 made the route with a spur to mitigate the effects of the tremendous snowfall of that beginning of the year. In the above photo we see a roundabout in Soria and another sister in the background.

Among its features can cite the 15 Kg / cm 2 boiler pressure, 1560 mm diameter of the driven wheels, 14417 kg of drawbar pull 2000 hp (with good coal) and 64.5 tons of service weight. Were capable of moving trains of 1000 tonnes at 90 km / h in horizontal.

The last steam locomotive was a Mikado our country, the 141F2348 that put out the current head of state when he was Prince of Spain, on June 23, 1975 in Vicálvaro station (now the museum is located in Vilanova i La Geltrú without rods, and cannibalized, which would be inconceivable in any civilized country.) Today there are a few units in running (three or four) of which one only is Scottish, the 141F2111 and can be admired in museums and some pedestals.

Causes Of Westies Warts

Caterpillar with 6083 and microserve CEBEK

After a while trying to walk my previous project and failed miserably, I've been working on another project (easier) to make a kind of caterpillar or tank with the kit of CEBEK 6083, quite affordable and easy to ride for a beginner like me. In principle this is just the base engine. The engines are a souped-9g servos to make the full turn. Servos the barter viewing this tutorial . The part where the wheels are housed are using a trim the tile and aluminum are also weighing some are resistant. The H bridge I made from a radio control toy that I got, with transistors 8550, 8050 and 9014 and 7805 are powered by a power independent of the pic (later added).
servos did not expect that, being so small, tubieran so hard, I was pleasantly surprised. A servo motors are added a 100nF capacitor (104) to filter the "noise" of the collector and brushes.
These photos and this video is some tests I did with a radio control car circuit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Zoey 101 Lola's Disease

This is a type of music little known to the public. For me the great representative of this style is France's Paul Henry. The Beatles music dived into the concrete in some parts of 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 'and later in the double' White Album ', thanks to the ideas of George Martin.

But what is the actual music?. Is the creation of music from real sounds are recorded and treated, and can be mezlcar traditional instruments. In the sixties through to of tape recordings that were cut, joined again in a different order and adding effects (such as playing backwards or different from the original speed, to name a few possibilities). It was a primitive version of the 'sampled' today, in which it does the same thing for digital media.

specific music is not electronic music (as they did Kraftwerk or Tangerine Dream). The big difference is that the latter sounds are created synthetically, ie no real sounds.

I've always liked the best-known work of Paul Henry: "Psyche Rock", which in Spain was known for being the tune of the 'Directísimo' presenting José M ª Iñigo, which inspired the tune of the series 'Futurama' (someday will recognize the merits of this communicator, he brought from his time on the radio , murmurs of the music that was going on in the world when we were anchored here Juanito Valderrama). I also recommend listening to those LPs by The Beatles, where there are several examples of this style. A video plays on the network is the link:

Wacom Tablet Pen Cte-640

The SM Consolidation

Cidad Calatayud-line, by Soria and Burgos was called Santander-Mediterranean. Sagunto wanted to join one of the main ports of the English east, with Santander, which was intended to be great Cantabrian port. In the absence of a tunnel in the province of Cantabria, the track was like an ass-de-sac, so traffic did not become the pursued. The blame for the termination was not 'merit' of the Basque oligarchy, which pressured the government to encourage investment in the port of Bilbao. Then came the war of 1936-39, and soon after, in 1941 RENFE concentration of Iberian gauge lines and the closure of the former Santander-Mediterranean González government January 1985 (God forgive him, because I can not).

Locomotives were responsible for traction, not to mention the maneuvers were these 140 Consolidation, manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox, of 18125 Kg of tensile stress, 1700 hp and 82100 kg of weight in service. The diameter of the drive wheels was 1560 mm, which shows that they were designed for mixed traffic of goods and passengers. Arriving at 140-2505 RENFE were numbered to 2526 (of origin were SM-101 to 122). Her service speed reaches 90 km / h and can tow loads up to 500 tons at 40 km / h on the steepest ramp of the track, nothing more and nothing less than 20 mil.

Today there is none, because in 1967 he proceeded to the dismantling of the entire series.

The image belongs to a wonderful blog on the Santander-Mediterranean, which is one of these magnificent locomotives at the station in Burgos, at the end their working life, ie between 1966 and 1967.

Who knows if the bleeding after high-speed Railways again see trains running through the route of the SM, taking over from these

Friday, July 9, 2010

How Do I Unlock The Voicemail On My Nortel T7316e

Hereu or spirit of the collection. Fee

What little I like this guy. It reminds me of ex-president of FC Barcelona. It is pathetic to see its management policy. Of course that comes from a business school, ESADE, where they say they are the business elite and most believe it. Sure, a marmolillo go in there and made a phenomenon out of the management, growing two inches in every man's hand and even more handsome. With this background gets in the paper, the lights of his party do happen to Clos, another dunce who is still in Ankara as a reward for his intelligence (he was sworn in as Minister of Justice when it took over the Ministry of Industry ...) and is with the Mayor of Barcelona.

With all this legitimacy is inserted into the piston to change the Diagonal Avenue, no manifest necessity, but to leave your legacy, your brand (as do dogs and cats). Frog comes out and is charged to a second son of the project.

You're in different gardens in cases such as bulls, the constitutionality of the statute and any puddle that was put in his way (now to put a tax on tourists.)

That if the citizen only sees it as a source of income: a few days ago, on July 1, more specifically, in the street where work is changing parking curb . In five minutes I counted 6 cranes removing cars "parked". Crane spectacular carousel dancing by a small local street. That if the trash containers, two days later they were still in their original status, evil "parked". To change the side of the street that I played there was no rush, no garbage trucks that will change. I said, we are only one source of money for the kid from ESADE.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kiddie Smoke Ceo Keeps Beeping


What little fees I like. Surely many of us were particularly aware of them when ZP was his government with equal numbers of men and women. Good.

quotas on agriculture and fisheries, which have benefited both cheaters (see the olive trees from Italy, Spain flax, milk France ...) have not been an example to follow, except for those who collect subsidies left and right.

So we've been seeing in the 2010 World Cup, which has been filled, as on other occasions, referees (if you can call them and given its capacity) from countries where soccer is all but nonexistent or has the level of the first regional in Spain.

The result in both instances is the same: to reward inefficiency in the interest of aesthetics, because would not it be better for the purposes of both the number of men and women will decide its special fitness for office, or to have more European referees, where there are the world's toughest leagues?. I will not name to Aido, Pepin, the Duchess of Alba or the referee of Paraguay, Spain, because they sure are examples that anyone attack us.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Can A Cat Live With An Enlarged Spleen

The penultimate Don Pepin

Here the champion of the cuts has been off the hook with a new pearl. This time it has proposed to eliminate the provincial councils. Using a pulse-style "socialist" has been thought that these bodies should not hold for long. Ignorance is very brave.

The boy must be consulted about the role, especially for small municipalities, the Provincial play. For a large city is very easy to recruit and even pay for projects sewerage, lighting or maintaining the streets, but for people of less than one thousand inhabitants, 4861 in Spain are the 8122 English towns, things are not as easy: only the draft environmental impact of any work may be a considerable percentage of it. The asphalting of a local road linking the village with the local road, it may be impossible to implement for these economies. For this and much more are the County. It is true that a road use only a few hundred neighbors is not very profitable financially, but sometimes these same politicians were filling the mouth saying that there is English for first and second (of course this just do some autonomy to face against each other).

was my understanding that redistribution of wealth, equity and solidarity were pillars of the "left", but maybe the minister should read Marx, not just mean Groucho.