Friday, August 13, 2010

How High Should A Squash Ball Bounce

6083 Programmer 16F628A-Trainer Trainer B *. HEX Upload

Well this is the aparatejo I'm making now, it's like an all in one, is whether all hope not liarme I have made bridges between each other.
It has roughly

  • Micro JDM Programmer
  • Max232 for serial communication module
  • Cebek RF TX RF RX Module
  • Cebek
  • 8 digit LED Display 1
  • 4 Pushbuttons
  • LCD Connection 16x2 (LCD will put it aside)
  • 8 Ports for port B (RB0.. RB7)
  • 5 Connections to the port A (RA0. .. RA4) (I have still not very clear about this, but at least those 5 )
  • 5V Auxiliary Output
The problem is that I have done on the fly using circuits that already had made and tested, all I've done was put them all together to be in the same PCB.

This is the current, I need to finish a few things, like connecting to the LCD and DB9H for the COM port and start testing
Click on the picture to enlarge
I ire making updates as I'll explain a bit more and the process.

19/08/2010 Well this is already the end, I skipped some of the process of how I did it, but I'm working on some small schemes or clarifications as well as a video of his performance. To clarify a bit the power pins of each module are yellow and pins to change the functions are black. I have also changed places a couple of things like the power LED and one of the auxiliary power strips, but esque if I had no all!.

In my first tests have been with the LED's has been around pretty well come on everyone. A couple of weird things that makes me even set the timer, program. I think it is rather configuration issue Ic-prog that pic itself.

I made a couple of programs with LEDs light and do the due time, on off, loops, etc. ..

will continue to report!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Interior Design Company Name Idea

in ICProg from Microcode Studio

Well this is something simple enough and yet very practical. The other day turned to install the microcode Studio on my pc and I realized that while configured to select the controller ( ICProg 1.06B) in one of the options I was wondering if wanted to put some parameters to load the *. alchivo HEX in ICProg or so I understood my malisimo English. So since I've been doing a little research and Forum TodoPic found the solution: Open

Microcode Studio and go to the option View / Compile and program options

Once opened, a screen where we put the current programmer.
If you have not previously selected ICProg (which I think is not an option) we give Add New Programer.

Here we ask first as it will be called the developer, in my case I put ICProg . Press "Next ." Here
asks the path where the file is located ( icprog . exe). You can give it yourself by searching for or you can introduce yourself file path. Once done click "Next ." And
Here is where we asked if we introduce some parameters to the programmer. Well
introduce this: hex-l $ - $ filename
And if we give Finish

With this every time we give to "compile and program" Compiling the and we will file the ICProg with *. HEX already loaded. More

parameters but I have not investigated the issue because he did not need but I think if we put this eg Hex-l $ - $ filename-p also loading the schedule HEX directly.

For that, a nonsense you want that saves time.
