Thursday, June 17, 2010

Do-it-yourselfbread Clip

Karma Europe ... What kind of Europe?

When someone has a debt € 3,000 with a bank has a problem. When your debt is € 3,000,000, is the bank which should start to have cold sweats.

Something similar happens to Germany. Its banks have engaged in banking finance half of Europe and are now nervous about the possibility that the usury business becomes a ruin. The trouble is that instead of trying to reassure financial markets that their debtors to pay, are dedicated to remove and create uncertainty, which may have to eat the debt for longer than you think.

This is because the pipe dream that we call Europe does not exist. Well, actually existed while some have been doing business with Partners: I mean the Germans (who have been taking advantage of the stretch to improve its exports), the French (which, for example, have managed to destroy the dairy production systems, fisheries and agriculture from the rest of Europe to impose their own) and British, whose economy is only comparable to the food and taste in clothes, laughing from the sidelines, from outside the euro. And all this they have succeeded in paying ERDF and the like that have been bread for today, hunger tomorrow.

Meanwhile, what we can do nuclear tests in Berlin?. Yesterday


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